This was one of my first university projects and the most emotional.
Two groups (each contained four students) were tasked to develop games for
visually impaired children.
My teammates and I decided to adapt the game "Werewolf" for them but instead of 
cards the players would use 3D printed models. The complete manual can be found under:
(done by Viktoria Lubomski & Lucas Fellner)
My task was mainly to maintain the 3D pipeline and take care that every figure fits together
with the the board - and of course do a lot of 3D modeling, sculpting etc.
Project Lead:
Aida Bakhtiari
Viktoria Lubomski (
Lucas Fellner (
David Ambarzumjan (
Here a small breakdown of stuff I learned when designing and modeling 3D printable stuff for children
(example: house model; game werewolf)
old house mechanism
old house mechanism
plan for the new house
plan for the new house
Base model made in Maya
Base model made in Maya
House WIPs
Figures I made. The main goal of each one was readability. You can see that each one had to be changed during the process just as the house
first board "prototype"
first board "prototype"
second board prototype (including house)
second board prototype (including house)
Talk by Aida Bakhtiari about the project at MakeMunich (talk in german)
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