This was the last project of a first semester course at university called "experimental digital design". I wanted to learn two new techniques. Photogrammetry and Substance Designer
This was a rather complex project (and I didn´t have much time since there was lots of other stuff to do). My steps were
1. Capture something (in this case my sister): The result was very messy but it looked interesting and I thought I could clean that up easily 
2. Model cleanup in Zbrush: I wanted a smooth sculpt but it didn´t look very natural and I was unhappy. That was when the idea came that I could blend the two heads together. I also added a third head which was basically just a decimated head which I wanted to be able to blend in step by step
3. Baking
4. Substance Designer. The SD part is actually pretty simple since I´m a newbie. Professionals might shake their head and see that I often used very basic nodes. (and the awesome pbr render node!)
5. Editing and getting results in Substance Player
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